Hailey Marie Hult

Lead Trainer & Manager of the NIODTA® Main Office
As a third-generation dog handler, Hailey Hult began walking small dogs for NC K9 Training, Inc and Hadnot Creek Kennel at the age of 8 years old. Growing up, Hailey worked part-time helping at Hadnot Creek Kennel, while learning all aspects of managing the kennel business. From the ground up, she gained valuable insight into the habits and temperaments of various dog breeds including highly trained German Shepherds. She established her own instinct for interacting with the dogs, how to read their behaviors, and react properly to command their respect.
Intensive Instinctive Obedience® Dog Training Begins
Hailey began intensive dog training with her father Donnie Hult™ at age 16. As a senior in high school, she also began to train people and families that owned dogs. Hailey knows that understanding the people working with the dogs is as important as training the dog. She became a standout in the world of dog training at a very early age.
Upon finishing a business courses at community college Hailey ventured into the worlds of retail sales and real estate, before returning to manage Hadnot Creek Kennel in 2019. As the manager she oversees operations, suppliers, scheduling and assist in the field whenever possible. She has become an integral part of the business and is ready to help other trainers become Instinctive Obedience® certified as we grow our affiliates nationwide.
Saving Dogs One At A Time
Hailey has also been teaching AKC Canine Good Citizen courses for the past few years. Additionally, working with a variety of rescue groups across the state, Hailey has helped save hundreds of dogs’ lives using Instinctive Obedience® training. Dogs that were indicated as untrainable have been rescued through application of our training regimen. Hailey has first-hand knowledge of how to employ these methods so that a dog can find its way and learn to obey its masters.
Hailey began training other dog handlers under her father’s tutelage. Hailey has the ability to handle dogs most trainers simply cannot touch. Hailey’s greatest joy in life is teaching dog owners Instinctive Obedience® training and watching them connect with their dogs in a healthy and safe manner. Hailey has the confidence and ability to relate all the important information our course offers. You can be assured she will train your trainers to the highest standards. Hailey effectively conveys and implements Instinctive Obedience® training for dogs, their families, and other dog trainers.
Look for her blog online, with videos, tips, and other information.